Bilateral agreements
Foreign rightsholders receive remuneration according to bilateral agreements between Kopinor and other collective management organisations.
Exchange of rights and payment of remuneration.
- Argentina: Centro de Administración de Derechos Reprográficos, Asociación Civil (CADRA)
- Australia: Copyright Agency
- Belgium: Reprobel
- Canada: Access Copyright, The Canadian Copyright Licensing Agency and Copibec
- Denmark: Tekst & Node
- Finland: Kopiosto
- Frankrike: Centre Français d'Exploitation du Droit de Copie (CFC)
- Germany: VG Bild-Kunst, VG Musikedition and VG Wort
- Iceland: Fjölís
- India: Indian Reprographic Rights Organisation (IRRO)
- Ireland: Irish Copyright Licensing Agency (ICLA)
- Italy: Società Italiana degli Autori ed Editori (SIAE) and Centro Licenze e Autorizzazioni per le Riproduzioni Editoriali (EDISER)
- Jamaica: Jamaican Copyright Licensing Agency (JAMCOPY)
- Netherlands: Stichting Reprorecht
- New Zealand: Copyright Licensing New Zealand (CLNZ)
- Poland: The Association of Copyright Collective Administration for Authors of Scientific and Technical Works (KOPIPOL)
- Singapore: The Copyright Licensing & Administration Society of Singapore Ltd (CLASS)
- South Africa: Dramatic, Artistic and Literary Rights Organisation (DALRO)
- Spain: Centro Español de Derechos Reprográficos (CEDRO)
- Sweden: Bonus Copyright Access
- Switzerland: Pro Litteris
- United Kingdom: Copyright Licensing Agency, Ltd. (CLA) and NLA media access
- USA: Copyright Clearance Center, Inc. (CCC)
Exchange of rights; the remuneration stays in the country of accrual.
- Austria: Literar-Mechana
- Colombia: Colombian Center of Reprographic Rights (CDR)
- Czech Republic: DILIA - Theatrical, Literary and Audiovisual Agency and Ochranná organizace autorská (OOA-S)
- Faroe Islands: Fjölrit
- Greece: Greek Collecting Society for Literary Works (OSDEL) and Greek Collecting Society for Works of Visual Arts (OSDEETE)
- Hongkong: Hong Kong Reprographic Rights Licensing Society (HKRRLS)
- Hungary: Hungarian Alliance of Reprographic Rights (HARR)
- Kenya: Kopiken
- Malawi: Copyright Society of Malawi (COSOMA)
- Mauritius: Mauritius Society of Authors (MASA)
- Mexico: Centro Mexicano de Protección y Fomento de los Derechos de Autor (CeMPro)
- Slovenia: Slovenska avtorska in založniška organizacija za pravice reproduciranja (SAZOR)
- South Korea: Korea Literature, Academic works and Art Copyright Association (KOLAA)
- Uganda: Uganda Reproduction Rights Organisation (URRO)
- Vietnam: The Vietnamese Reproduction Rights Organization (VIETRRO)
- Zambia: Zambia Reprographic Rights Society (ZARRSO)
Other bilateral agreements
Authorisations and agreements on the transfer of remuneration.
- Netherlands: Stichting LIRA
- Nigeria: Repronig
- United Kingdom: Authors' Licensing and Collecting Society (ALCS), The Ivors Academy and Music Publishers Association (MPA)
- USA: Music Publishers' Association (MPA)
Countries without bilateral agreements
Remuneration to rightsholders in countries with no bilateral agreements, and remuneration for works where the country of origin is impossible to identify, is kept in separate accounts for three years after the year of collection.
Remuneration for Sámi works
Remuneration for Sámi works is distributed to the collective management organisation Sámikopiija according to a separate agreement. Sámikopiija distributes the remuneration to organisations of Sámi rightsholders.